Friday, November 30, 2007

Measles shmeasles....

So this past 3 or 4 days Peanut has been running a pretty good fever. He's been working on some teeth and I just figured thats all it was. Then my mom came over and said "he's just not himself" I agreed, but figured it would pass. Then she says "it looks like he has the measles". My response..."NO!!!! He's been vaccinated! Plus he doesn't have any symptoms of anything. He's just cutting teeth. Don't be such a panicky mom!!!"
So a couple days go by and it's more of the same. Fever...sleeping constantly. Then it happens....I go to get him dressed and there they are. He's covered in a rash. Sure enough. She knew. I took him in and he was diagnosed with what they call "baby measles". They aren't like the normal ones. They aren't contagious and they just sort of run their course on their own. Although he did also have a double ear infection on top of that too. poor kid. He totally gets the fuzzy end of the lollipop when it comes to illness.
In the past week he has perfected the glassy eyed stare. It's so pitiful when babies are sick. They are just so sad looking. he sat on the couch in this same spot and watched CNN for almost 30 minutes. That would have bored any other kid after about 30 seconds. He was just so sick he didn't care. I got him some antibiotics for his ears. That should make him feel better.


rebecca marie said...

your baby gets all the cool diseases. fo sho.

Anonymous said...

And I quote: "he sat on the couch in this same spot and watched CNN for almost 30 minutes. That would have bored any other kid after about 30 seconds."
Shit girl, that would bore ME after about 30 seconds!
Poor little man. Hope he's all well soon.

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