Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh the glorious days of summer

I love summer. Maybe I have mentioned this a time or two. Living in a place where it rains 75% of the year is really fighting my nature. But for now it's where we live and we make the best of it. We basically enjoy every last drop of of summer that we possibly can.

Our days are filled with a whole lot of nothing much but we enjoy every second.

Bug spent his day yesterday having "backpack expeditions" across the street in our field. He and his friends packed their backpacks with their toy compasses and water bottles and hit the trail. I could hear them playing and it was just refreshing to see them completely wrapped up in their own world of imagination. He had a lot of fun.

Then Sunshine spend the majority of her day swimming in the pool. By late afternoon she pulled her wrinkly self out and sat on the porch to dry out in the sun.

Seems the nice warm sun has the same effect on her as it does on me :)


Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised if that lobster blanket goes missing after my next visit.

Kristin Coppee said...

Oh, to be a kid again! I loved the lazy days of summer. However, I must know how hot it really gets there because you would NOT find someone wrapping up in a blanket or towel or anything, for that matter, and falling asleep in the sun after a nice swim here in AZ! Because it's like 108 degrees outside!

Jax said...

Oh I'd say maybe 80 degrees at most. But she was also soaking wet before the sun dried her out. Yeah I know of Arizona's miserable heat. My husband went to college in Phoenix and I visited him a couple times. We both hated the heat so bad we had to get the heck out of dodge. Portland is pretty balmy and cool in comparison :)

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