Saturday, January 3, 2009

New years eve

So I know I have been behind the ball as far as posting in here. I will talk about that later today and explain what has been holding me captive.

But first... here are some pictures from our awesome New Year's eve party that we went to.

We went over to my friend Erin's place for just a low key night. Nothing raging or anything. In fact almost everyone there had kids. We just hung out, talked and played wii. It was nice.
The older kids even made it to midnight for the ball to drop. I was amazed. There were no meltdowns or anything. There were enough other kids to play with that I think the peer pressure to stay up over took the fact that they were super tired.

The noise level in the house made my husbands ears coil in pain. Considering his ears are pretty trashed from years of concerts and band practices. He is very diligent about ear protection when he goes to places that he knows he will need it. He didn't think that he would need it at a party. He was wrong, so wrong. He was cringing while my 3 friends and I were playing doubles tennis on the wii. He said..and I quote..." being in the same room with you guys playing this is painful. It sounds like chickens are being raped."
I guess we got a little overexcited while we were playing. It happens.

Anyhow, we all lived another night and brought in the new year with champagne and fireworks (provided by the neighbors of course)

The kids watching over the fence to see what kinds of fireworks the neighbors would dish out.


Shanna said...

Looks like a great time! Did you get a new haircut? It looks great.
and I laughed at your hubby's comments about the chicken, I can only imagine what that would sound like!

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